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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Drew Barrymore Visits Drought-Stricken Kenya

Drew Barrymore wanted to see with my own eyes, he wanted to return to the country he grew to love and to see how he could help change the lives of women and children.

Kenya has suffered a devastating drought hours and Drew saw with my own eyes that people are struggling to feed children, to keep the cattle alive, alive. The WFP is feeding more than 3 million people in Kenya alone, and Drew is an interesting rest of the world to him: ".. We really need to strengthen our service is a disaster happening right now," Drew recently returned by the American magazine in Kenya, "Condé Nast Traveler," which featured a cover, he is also in this month. (Click here to see article).

Drew is an actor, director and producer with decades of experience in Hollywood (after all, had two years!) It is used to make important decisions. But the decision three years ago to provide U.S. $ 1000000, to ease hunger and improve education in Kenya was the most important, never did, says Drew. The challenge was daunting.

"I thought, nearly one billion hungry people, what ever I could do as an individual? It all seemed impossible." But the WFP Ambassador Against Hunger have learned what works. He likes to give the WFP school feeding program in Kenya, where he visited for the first time in 2005.

"A simple healthy meal at school is so important. I saw how it changes the life of a girl forever. And now it is so crucial safety net for these families in the crisis of drought."

Projects in recent years, it has funded have helped renovate about 25 schools around Nairobi, with all new kitchens, food storage, energy efficient kitchens and latrines for boys and girls. This summer, Drew Barrymore has used a second tranche of funds to build wells for children did not have to walk miles to get water for their meals at school. Wild animals sometimes attacked vulnerable children on the way to the muddy river.

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