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Monday, October 31, 2011

Scream DVD movies

With the highly successful Scream, novice screenwriter Kevin Williamson and veteran horror director Wes Craven (Nightmare on Elm Street) revived the Teen Horror Picture mold body so creatively and commercially, by playfully recognizes the end of the cliché and turning in and out them. Scream is a postmodern slasher movie, a horror film that cleverly deconstructs horror films, then reassembles the dead tissue, and (like Frankenstein's monster) creates new life. When a serial killer starts hacking their fellow teens, the media-savvy youth Scream realize that the smartest way to stick around for the follow-up is to avoid the terminal behaviors that inevitably ruin the film media players. They have seen all the movies and the rules of the genre are like second nature to them. A configuration of the scariest / funniest features of a child to watch John Carpenter's seminal Halloween on video.

Jamie Lee Curtis is the shadow of Michael Meyers and the guy on the couch yelling around, Craven reverses his camera and we see that the child must take his own advice. The face of the young cast (including Drew Barrymore, Neve Campbell, Skeet Ulrich, Courtney Cox and David Arquette) is fun to watch, and his dialogue is peppered with malice tart enough awareness of pop culture references to make Quentin Tarantino view. - Jim Emerson

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